The Youth Ministry focuses on the direct needs of the youth of our church and teaches them how to love and be loved in the Body of Christ. The youth of the church are integral to God’s will for the church and the Youth Ministry seeks to destroy the myth that young people do no have a place in the church. The Youth Ministry embraces the youth of New Commandment Christian Church in such a powerful way that they will possess a desire to follow the will of God for their lives and to completely turn from any other compromising lifestyle.
The Youth Ministry is inclusive of the Toddler Ministry (for ages 2-6), the youth (ages 7-12), and the teens (ages 13-17). The Youth Ministry is a welcoming space for the youth to be brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. The ministry provides specialized instruction in the Word of God and creates a welcoming environment for youth to discuss their innermost thoughts and fears about serving the Lord. The Youth Ministry seeks to serve the needs of the youth so that they will become strong servants of God unmoved by the temptations of this present world.